Stainless Steel Products
Contab Stainless offers a wide range of products. We cater to those who want something different, something new, and something unique.
There are many benefits in choosing stainless steel as your construction material. Some of these are listed below:
- Corrosion Resistant – Stainless steel contains the element chromium which give it corrosion resistant qualities. Lower alloyed grades resist corrosion in atmospheric and pure water environments; high-alloyed grades can resist corrosion in most acids, alkaline solutions, and chlorine bearing environments making their properties useful in process plants.
- Fire and Heat Resistant – Different grades resist scaling and retain high strength at high temperatures. Stainless Steel is used extensively in heat exchangers, super-heaters, boilers, feed water heaters, valves, and main stream lines as well as aircraft and aerospace applications.
- Hygienic – The easy cleaning ability of stainless makes it the first choice for strict hygiene conditions, such as hospitals, kitchens and food processing plants.
- Aesthetic Appearance – The bright, easily maintained surface of stainless steel provides a modern and attractive appearance.
- Strength – Stainless steel is stronger and more robust than other construction materials.
- Easy to Fabricate – With modern techniques, stainless steel can be cut welded, bent, formed, machined, assembled and fabricated as readily as traditional steels.
- Long-Term Value – When the total life cycle costs are considered, stainless is often the least expensive material option and provides a maintenance free products with a long life expectancy.
Please browse our range of quality products below to see some of the projects we’ve completed.